Wednesday, May 6, 2009

April, 7, 1775-Just Saying "Hi!" and The News

Dear Diary,

nothing happened all the way from the last time I wrote. As I wrote as a title, I was just saying "Hi!". Oh, and other thing, my father, John, and Andrew left last night, and they told me they are going to be helping our beloved country. It is really capital! But I don't know how they can help my country, but I believe they can help. There aren't much to say, and now I know why uncle Fredrick came. It's because father, John, and Andrew left, and we needed a grown-up gentlemen. My brothers and I haven't said to each other much. I don't know what's wrong with them, but it doesn't matter. The more we talk to each other, the more we fight. But I really miss the times when we play games outside. By the way, I can't go outside either. William said it's the rules. What rules? That's all the news, and I have to help for dinner.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

March, 20, 1775-The big mystery

Dear Diary,

Annabel, my ben cove for life came to visit me this morning. We played with my doll collection, and then I told her about how uncle Fredrick is acting, and all she said is "Oh", that's all! Just "Oh"! I do not know what was wrong about Annabel, but I think she knows what's happening. Am I the only one that doesn't know? Still, Ann would've given me more sympathy.

After she went home, Berta, my nanny and housekeeper told me to just put any random clothes in a luggage that she gave me(believe me, it was disgusting). I stared at her with disbelieve, so I asked what's going on, but instead of answering my question, she told me to ask my parents.So I did. You know what they said? "Some of us are moving soon Marge,". Moving? Soon? I couldn't believe it at all. First, I couldn't go to school, and now? They are telling me that wait, did they said "Some of us...."? What was that supposed to mean?

A couple hours later, I saw my dad's, John's, and Andrew's luggage at the front door. I thought we were moving later?! I couldn't stand it anymore. I really HAVE to know what's going on!!