Thursday, March 26, 2009

February, 18, 1775-My Seventh Birthday????

Dear Diary,

you're my first diary I've ever had, so you better be good, and try not to give me a paper cut. Auntie Martha gave you to me for my birthday present. My name is Margaret. Margaret Allen. I'm seven-years-old, and I have five siblings. John, he's 20, Andrew, he's 18, James, he's 15, William, he's 13, Anne, she's 12, and the most annoying sister you could possibly wish for. My father is a really important person in my country, and as my mother always says, the crown has big things for my father to do, so I can't bother him too much. My mother's name is Margaret, which is my name either, so I'm really proud of it. You know why diary? Because Margaret means pearl, and pearls are pretty. I wanted the name Tracey, since it means brave, but William told me I can't change my name after my parents had given me my first name. I do not know where he got that from, but I actually listened what he said, which is a rare thing from me. I live in the 13 Colonies, North Colonies, Massachusetts, and I'll try to draw the map....

Well, I think that's all I have to tell you about myself. This was the swell gent birthday I ever had! My brother John gave me a music box* (that's what he said). It was light blue, and had these little tiny ceramic, white bows. It was really capital, and the color, is even more. Every time I turn the knob, this music will start playing. I think it's one of Ludwig van Beethoven's song. That's not the only thing why John is my favorite brother. He is the most wondrous brother! My other brother didn't gave me much. They gave me pencils, and other school equipments, and my sister gave me a bow.

Later on the evening.....

While we ate our dinner, nobody talked. It was quieter than quiet. Anne's not talking about her bad hair day, Andrew and William are not arguing about things that are not my business, John and James are not "sharing" their opinions about the food, father's not talking about his job, and mom is not yelling, and trying to keep everyone quiet. At the end of dinner, when I was heading to my bedroom, my parents appointed me to come back, and sit down on the living room. Was I in big trouble? I waited long, and my jaw opened as my parents talked for almost an hour. No, I wasn't in big trouble. I was in magnificent trouble. My parents told me I'm not going to school starting today. They already told my siblings, and I'm guessing that was the cause they were not talking at dinner. I asked if I'm ever going to see Annabel Elayne Cunningham, my ben cove for life. They said I will, but I'm not so sure. When they said that, they exchanged glances. I ran right to my room, feeling extremely awful of the news. On my way to my bedroom, I crashed into Anne, and realized that everyone was there, and eavesdropping the conversation. Unlike the times when I'm not sad, they would tell me I was acting ridiculous, but instead of saying that they all came around, and hugged me. They are saying everything will be fine. I want to believe them, but how? It is my birthday after all. Why does my best birthday turned into the worst one ever?

*My brother John is working with really complicated things, and some how managed to make a music box. I think it's the first one yet, and not many people know them.